Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hal Here in mar,08

Hal and family here now for the week of mar 20 to mar 28, Sure is going fast too, I will post some pix's when I get all of them d/l on here. Just wanted to say what is going on..
Will be back in a few days and post pix's..

Sunday, March 16, 2008

ATV parade in 07

Jim and Carol, all getting ready to start the Parade,,fun,, Tried to make a record ,but needed lots more .Fun anyway.

Here is the parade... More people, later down the road.

Still going .. long way to go yet. Taffy watching Jim and Carol.

Here is Taffy ,having fun too, she sure likes riding in the ATV basket there.

Cabins in QZ

Me and Frank looking at all the stuff in the cabin.

Here is Frank,, which one ,,,?????

Now Which one is the Dum Dum.. LOL

Frank and Regina our friends ,,,

Here is Patty ,,with Taffy ,, we all had so much fun on this ride, saw lots of cabins all used by the
old Miners..

Saturday, March 15, 2008

our dog Taffy

Had to take the front end off to adjust the valves... Here is Taffy looking real cute, and she knows it too,,.

Here is the pillow that we got for Christmas from Jenni.. Taffy holding it. She is sitting up in front of the heater,with one tooth sticking out, Funny,,

Another DAY

My Beer Garden...

Me sitting on Ken's Honda 750 He came up to see us last year, what a nice bike..

Here is Ken.. Me sitting on the Bike.all ready to gooooooo!

Me and Pat ,, I even took her for a nice ride,, she loved it, brings back great memories when I had mine...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Check this one out,, Click the link and enjoy the pics.....Thanks for them Clif.

This is Nancy ( Pat's sister in Aussie) going to a real place for a view.. See that looks great Wish I were the Nancy,...
Here it is on thurs afternoon and the sun came out and turned out to be a very nice day after all,, Cindy checked out my blog and signed my guestbook and is the very first one to sign it too,, sorry you missed out being the first one,, LOL,, Anyway,, I am having so much fun with this Blog,,

Some fun Pics,

This picture here is after I have all loaded up everything in the rv ready to go the next day..2-8-08....Here is Taffy with a bad hair due day.

Over ,,this is the whole bunch of us ,,,,,
Patty looking somewhat, HUH..!!!!

Here are some fun pics to see,,, Del here helped me put that Honda 90 in the RV,, I was almost all loaded now,, just a small pile over there,,
The wind just tore my tent up ,I have a new top for it ..
We were on a ride up in the canyon in KOFA area. with Del and Maxine,
Pat and Taffy looking pretty...Ha,,,
Yours truly and Pat here in the other picture,, this is on New Years, and the Butchers party,, sure had fun ,cold that night but we had a good fire there..

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

falling tree

I am sure glad that I have never been that stupid to do that ,,fell right on their p/u.. he heon them for being that stupid, rope to short /p/u not big enough to hold it either,, what were they thinking huh.. Tried to think nothing happened..thats what they get for that ...


Here is a real picture of me after a long days ride,, I feel like I have been around the world on my ATV,, lol,, this a what is in the Apache Cabin on the ride to Dripping Springs,, there is all kinds of stuff in the cabin people have brought in and placed,, this guy has been there forever,, looks like it too,,HUH,, Taffy saw it ,,and started barking at him thought he was real and I had to take her up to him and then she was alright with that.. Funny,,,

Pats broken little toe

Here is what Pat broke her little toe on ,, if you look at the work bench right here in the front as you go in the tent, you will see this leg of the bench sticking out somewhat ,, well Pat was in a hurry and went into the tent and hooked her little toe on that foot there, and broke her toe,, could not walk on it for a while,,, we were suppose to go to Phoenix with Jim and Carol that night and see the Red Elvis gang,, they are from Russia and they have a real good time here,, Jim and Carol let them stay with them when they lived in the house they had then..

Kofa land trip

Me standing kinda funny there,, I have no idea what I was doing ,I had the camera take my picture ,,maybe I was talking to it,, LOL then there is John and Moca,, standing next to an" Arastra" spelling where the gold miners used a donkey to turn the huge rocks that ground up the ore so they could get the gold,, wow,, this thing is just out in the middle of the desert,
the other pic of the trailer,, well we had some fun with that thing,, First thing ,,I lost a wheel ,,it past me up going down the road at 20 mph, I saw this thing going past me and wondered who that was on a unicycle,,lol fixed that then later I was going up this wash and heard a loud noise ,behind me and looked back,, all I had hooked to the ATV were two wheels and no bed,, it came clear off the frame and all,broke the welds that was holding it on,. so we used rope and bungee cards to put it back together so we could get back home..What a fun trip Thanks John for all the cigars and all the fun we had ,, never forget that fun trip we had.. Lets do it again.

trip with John to the KOFA land

Monday, March 10, 2008

the year in QZ 07 -08

This is just a few of my pics to add to my year in the desert..Hang on and I will be adding more ea, day or ,,,what ever I can get done.. The top pic is grind holes that are all over the desert form the Indians ,,,they ground up the beans and made their Pasta noodles ,lol,,
Here is one of the snakes that I took out of camp, It is called the Texas Rattler,,about 3 1/2 ft long, the unique look on these snakes ,,,is the last several inches of their tail is black and white,, the rest of the snake is like a light reddish color blend with black..

more pictures