Monday, October 13, 2008

The pics are all messed up now,,, wow what a mess,, I had a problem and it is still there, hahahah anyway ,, you get the idea ..the top is first,, then the sides then it is done,, hehehe oh well,, s ee ya later,, maybe I can fix later..see ya but enjoy it anyway..
Top of tent..

First ride to Jasper Springs Taffy cooling off.

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pix's of setting up

Tent all done. Last one ,,stuff in it....

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new pictures

Well here we are three weeks to the day that we have been here now,, so far the days are nice but it seems like we are getting lots of wind this year,. It first blows north one day then the next day it comes back and brings all the stuff back that it blew north,, I am getting sick of having to throw stuff away twice,,, hahahhahah,, anyway I am going to add some pics to my blog today,, so here goes.....Pictures to follow..

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Here is Old MOE.. at the Apache cabin..
This was yesterday 10-5-08 Over the Hogs back the hogs back fun ride.

This is the Apache Cabin..

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setting up camp site and rides so far.

Setting up camp

Here we are getting all set up. This is the awning.

Here is the tent with all our stuff in it..
and my trailer now that it is fixed.

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